“Creating Jobs Where Jobs are Needed” – City Council Wrap up Jan. 2021

At a committee meeting Tuesday, 6 of the board’s seven members agreed unanimously to enter into a contract with K. Craft Associates to facilitate a workshop on race, equity, and inclusion as it relates to leadership development for the Jackson workforce leadership academy. The project stands to receive funding from the Aspen institute in a move aimed at substantial job creation in the City.

“Putting Jackson First – Mayor introduces CIty Development Plan”– City Council Wrap up Jan. 2021

Restoring the city’s roads, enhancing the transportation system and creating business opportunities in Jackson dominated the conversation during the City Council’s January 5th meeting. On Tuesday, the Mayor and his administration introduced several proposals aimed at revitalizing the city,one of which utilizes city funds to  target undeveloped areas of Jackson. Mayor Lumumba introduced an order authorizing an agreement with the company Naviretail LLC to provide recruitment services in the city of Jackson. 

“Improving Jackson’s Roads” – City Council Wrap up Jan. 2021

In spite of any concern with the administration’s approach to revitalizing Jackson, the city continued to take substantial steps towards upgrading local infrastructure, as the Mayor introduced a resolution to make substantial upgrades to the  West capitol street area infrastructure. Dr. Charles Williams from the City’s department of public; “ With the mayor’s support we were able to garner funds from the $35 Million infrastructure bond to put towards this project “