welcome to Jukanda

It all begins with dreams.  Freedom dreams.  Justice dreams.  Together we can transform Jackson into a place where all of us can thrive.  Find out about some of the great ideas people like you have developed to make where they live a better place – and use the form below to share your great ideas for Jackson.

Building Better Infrastructure (aka those potholes tho…)

How cities in Europe use plastics we throw away to make cheaper, longer lasting roads

Freeing the Land

How Detroit turned acres of vacant land into food, jobs and self determination

A beautiful city in Dubai of that makes zero waste using the latest technology – including fashion made from recycled plastics.  

Safety Beyond Policing

Learn about how communities are dreaming big and asking hard questions about what really keeps us safe – and share your own ideas using the form below, near the bottom of this page.

How the Credible Messengers Program is putting safety back in to communities

The Criminal Justice System Is Broken: Should Police Be Abolished?

What “defund the police” really means

Eugene Puryear: A Real Alternative to Police (Interview)

Public Safety in Public Hands  – The Newark Model

Alex Vitale: Defunding the Police is the Future

Community Alternatives to 911

Community leaders discuss what a world without policing could look like

Let's Be Optimistic

Watch the August Greene video tribute to Jackson (featuring Common, Brandy and some of your neighbors!) and how we are inspiring the world! 

Share your
vision for jxn

What’s your great idea?  Please share using the form below and sign up to get word about upcoming People’s Assembly events and let your voice be heard!

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